Tournament Titles
-Main Tournament-
《快打旋風 6》賽事項目為亞洲地區社群交流賽,是此款遊戲上市後全球第一場大型賽事活動,由 五之神製作所 - 台灣 提供賽事獎金。快打旋風向來是台灣格鬥遊戲玩家及觀眾們最關注的賽事之一,競爭亦非常激烈,期待各路高手拔得頭籌。
BeePro Cup《Street Fighter 6》Tournament is the FIRST GRAND BATTLE in Taiwan since the game's release. The prize pool is USD 2,000 supported by 五之神製作所 - 台灣. Can't wait to see the first champion of the game!
Street Fighter 6
快打旋風 6
賽事時間 12/29 AM10:00-PM10:00
Main Tournament
on Dec. 29 AM10:00-PM10:00
規則&獎金池 - Rules & Prize
賽事平台: PlayStation 5
指定螢幕及耳機: Sony INZONE
1st 30,000
2nd 15,000
3rd 7,000
4th 5,000
5th 1,000
7th 500
The King of Fighters XV
拳皇 XV
SNK World Championship 官方賽
賽事時間 12/28 AM10:00-PM6:00
Main Tournament
on Dec. 28 AM10:00-PM6:00
規則&獎金池 - Rules & Prize
賽事平台: PlayStation 5
指定螢幕及耳機: Sony INZONE
1st 30,000
2nd 15,000
3rd 7,000
4th 5,000
5th 1,000
7th 500
《拳皇 XV》賽事項目為SNK World Championship 官方賽之一,賽事獎金由SNK提供$45,000,BeePro加碼至$60,000,並且SNK Asia 台灣辦公室特別提供冠軍獎品 - 拳皇 '98麻將組、第二至四名KOF'99 × ZENIS 限量聯名釣竿,第五至八名限量經典拳皇Tshirt,所有報名參賽者亦將獲得限量2025年曆及紅包組。拳皇系列一直以來都是格鬥遊戲玩家及觀眾們最關注的賽事之一,不只EVO 2022 包辦前三名、EVO Japan 2023 拿下銀銅牌,2024 EVO Japan 拿下冠軍、EVO 拿下銀牌,台灣玩家們一直以來都有相當好的成績及表現,期待黑馬高手殺出重圍。
BeePro Cup《KOF XV》Tournament is one spot of SNK World Championship 2025. The prize pool is USD 2,000 supported by SNK and BeePro, also a lot of special prizes from SNK Asia Taiwan Office. Will there be any dark horses in this hyper-competitive title?
《鐵拳 8》賽事項目為亞洲地區社群交流賽,賽事獎金一共為$60,000,由BeePro提供。台灣的鐵拳玩家社群一直有各種交流賽事,也是國際間的格鬥遊戲重點賽事項目之一,期許台灣有更多鐵拳玩家發光發熱。
BeePro Cup《Tekken 8》Tournament is for the Aisa regional community to show their training efforts over these two years. The prize pool is USD 2,000. This would be the first major tournament for this game since it launched.
Tekken 8
鐵拳 8
賽事時間 12/29 AM10:00-PM6:00
Main Tournament
on Dec. 29 AM10:00-PM6:00
規則&獎金池 - Rules & Prize
賽事平台: PlayStation 5
指定螢幕及耳機: Sony INZONE
1st 30,000
2nd 15,000
3rd 7,000
4th 5,000
5th 1,000
7th 500
Guilty Gear -Strive-
聖騎士之戰 -奮戰-
賽事時間 12/28 AM10:00-PM6:00
Main Tournament
on Dec. 28 AM10:00-PM6:00
規則&獎金池 - Rules & Prize
賽事平台: PlayStation 5
指定螢幕及耳機: Sony INZONE
1st 30,000
2nd 15,000
3rd 7,000
4th 5,000
5th 1,000
7th 500
《聖騎士之戰 -奮戰-》賽事項目為亞洲地區社群交流賽,由BeePro提供賽事獎金$60,000。《聖騎士之戰 -奮戰-》亦為EVO 2022最多玩家參賽項目,期待看到台灣高手玩展露佳績。
BeePro Cup《Guilty Gear -Strive-》Tournament is for the Aisa regional community. The prize pool is USD 2,000 by BeePro. It is also the most popular title with the maximum registration number in EVO 2022. Looking forward to seeing impressive matchups.
-Side Tournament-
生死格鬥 6
賽事日期 12/29 *時段近期公告
Side Tournament
on Dec. 29, schedule announced soon!
賽事平台: PlayStation 5
指定螢幕及耳機: Sony INZONE
《The Dead or Alive 6》is the Side Tournament of BeePro Cup. Dead or Alive is a classic fighting game, renowned for its captivating characters and stunning visuals, making it a favorite among many players.
1st 3,000
2nd 2,000
3rd 1,000
1st 1,500
2nd 1,000
3rd 500
《魔法氣泡 eSports》賽事項目為亞洲地區社群交流賽,賽事獎金近期公告,賽事報名費亦將作為獎金池,官方更將提供魔法氣泡限定特典作為獎品。在鬪魂2018賽事中獲得大家關注《魔法氣泡俄羅斯方塊Puyo Puyo Tetris》,在台灣也有一群熱愛益智遊戲的玩家社群和高手,令人不可思議的連鎖數將會帶來BeePro Cup的高潮!
BeePro Cup《PuyoPuyo eSports》Tournament is for Aisa regional community. The prize TBD and the competitor pass income will be in the prize pool. It's always hype to see incredible combos with intelligent plays.
Puyo Puyo eSports
魔法氣泡 eSports
賽事日期 12/28 *時段近期公告
Side Tournament
on Dec. 28, Schedule announced soon!
規則&獎金 - Rules & Prize
賽事平台: PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5
指定螢幕及耳機: Sony INZONE
1st 3,000
2nd 2,000
3rd 1,000
1st 1,500
2nd 1,000
3rd 500